Freestone-Hoven Family Road Trip
Road Trip -> Pacific Northwest -> Vancouver, BC
Okay, no pictures here, but with far less than a thousand words, I'll tell a now funny little story.

Our plan was to drive up to Vancouver from Seattle, roll on to a ferry heading out to Galliano Island and stay the night with an friend. In the line to drive through customs into Canada, we realized that we did not have any form of ID for the kids. Undaunted, we decided to try it anyway assuming that our perfect little American family in our perfect little American SUV would have no problem. The agent questioned us extensively then made us go inside to speak with the immigration officer, who stressed the importance of proof of citizenship for kids, because so many kids are kidnapped or taken across the border illegally by an estranged parent, but eventually letting us through.

We then missed the turn for the Galliano ferry terminal, drove all the way through Vancouver to the wrong terminal, had lunch, and drove back the correct one to find that the next boat didn't leave for 6 hours. At that point we decided to call it a day and head back to the States.

As we approached the US customs, Kimber told us that he had to pee. We tried to put it off, but that was a mistake. 6 cars before the gate he started screaming that he had to go right now. I decided to let Jess take the car through and I would walk through hoping to find a restroom sooner. I grab Kimber and start walking and he starts kicking and screaming "I DON'T WANT TO GO WITH DADDY! I WANT MY MOMMY". Knowing that this is the kind of thing that customs is looking for we very quickly switched jobs.

Turns out, the pedestrian line did not have a public restroom and the officers made Jessica walk all the way back to the bathroom in middle of the field between the two customs gates. She called out to a car in line heading to the US to let me know what was up. Meanwhile, I made it through customs answering just 2 questions and volunteering no info. Jessica then walks back through the pedestrian gate completely unchallenged, hops in the car and we get out of there as quickly as possible. Makes you feel good knowing our border is so well protected, huh?