Freestone-Hoven Family Road Trip
Road Trip -> Pacific Northwest -> Lincoln City, OR and the Oregon Coast
The view from our suite in Lincoln City which we got at 1/3 the summer rate because it was a few days before Memorial day.
And from the deck outside our room.
Green Sea Anemone in the tide pools just down from our hotel
Mussels and their most efficient and relentless predator the starfish
A daring rescue as the tide starts to come back in
On the beach
On the beach
Wave chasing
Apprehension ...
... becoming exhilerating delight
Poorly shot in sea lion cave. Oh well. Impressive piece of nature none the less. The largest natural sea cave in the world. We also saw gray whales heading north from the obersvation platform here.
Oregon's great sand dune state park. We didn't stop because the grumpy kids were finally asleep.